Find out more

„Find it, fix it and leave it alone.“

This is not just a saying, it’s how we carry out treatment.

Find it

Find it:

The first step is the examination and locating the primary cause of symptoms. This is not necessarily found where symptoms are presented, the body is capable of compensating for specific problems.

Fix it

Fix it:

The second step is targeted treatment of the most important blockages and physical restrictions (also referred to as somatic dysfunction and subluxation). The body is to be enabled to help heal itself.

Leave it alone

Leave it alone:

The final step is particularly important. The body needs time to integrate the restored functions into its movement pattern. At this stage further treatment is counter-productive.

About us

Medical practice for Osteopathy, Chiropractic and complementary pain treatment.

Dimitrios Tikos

Dimitrios Tikos, Heilpraktiker, trained in Osteopathy & Chiropractic.

Having successfully completed my studies in sports sciences with secondary subject Sports medicine at the Goethe University in Frankfurt I have applied myself entirely to the medical care of professional athletes, national and international.

I also got my osteopathic qualifications at the International Academy of Osteopathy (5 years of education). Additional seminars at the Anglo European College of Chiropractic in England complement my continuing education.

I am also qualified in the field of neural therapy (DÄGfAN), stimulated ligament repair (SLR) and mesotherapy.

Currently I am a doctoral student at the Medical Faculty of the University of Witten/Herdecke.

Alexandra Major

Alexandra Major, Heilpraktikerin, ausgebildet in Osteopathie

Dr. med. von Werner

Dr. med. von Werner, Doctor, trained in Osteopathy, Chiropractic & Dry Needling

For over 23 years I worked for the Frankfurt Skyliners, Frankfurt Lions, Eintracht Frankfurt and the Frankfurt Galaxy.

I obtained my qualifications at the International Academy of Osteopathy (Diploma in Osteopathy) and at the Goethe University in Frankfurt (Approbation). Additional training seminars at the Anglo European College of Chiropractic in England, made the recognition as a „sektoraler Heilpraktiker der Chiropraktik“ possible.

I am a resident Doctor for orthopedics and trauma surgery in the Asklepios Clinic in Langen and team doctor of the Löwen Frankfurt Ice Hockey GmbH.

Because of these activities, I can no longer offer appointments.

Bund deutscher Chiropraktiker e.V.

Member of the German Chiropractic Board BDC

Gonstead Clinical Studies Society

Member of the Gonstead Clinical Studies Society

Berufsverband für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie e. V.

Member of the German association of orthopedics and surgery

Berufsvereinigung für heilkundlich praktizierende Osteopathen

Member of medical practiced osteopaths

Verband der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sportmedizin

Member of the German Union of Sports medicine

 Member of the German Society for Osteopathic Medicine e.V.

Member of the German Society for Osteopathic Medicine e.V.

Medical practice


Pfingstbrunnenstraße 1A,
65760 Eschborn
Our practice is located 400m away
from the nearest S-Bahn Station (Eschborn).


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Chiropractic & Osteopathy

Over 100 years of history, tradition and experience.

In the 19th century the American physician Dr. Andrew Taylor Still developed the medical treatment form termed osteopathy.

The term osteopathy is derived from the Greek words “Osteo” meaning bone and “pathy” meaning disease.
Modern chiropractic was founded by the Canadian Daniel David Palmer and perfected by Clarence Gonstead. They developed special techniques to resolve movement restrictions of the spine, gently and painlessly.

The term chiropractic is derived from the Greek words “Chiro” meaning hand, and “Praktik” meaning activity. The chiropractic/osteopathy concept is based on the understanding of integration of body, mind and soul, the correlation of structure and function, and the body’s potential to heal itself!

A.T. Still

A.T. Still (1828-1917)

D.D. Palmer

D.D. Palmer (1845-1913)


C.Gonstead (1898-1975)

Treatment & Fees

Terms and Conditions

You should allow about 45 minutes for your examination and treatment.

Please bring with you the completed medical history form, treatment contract and all relevant X-ray- and MRT-images available.

Fees are based (regardless of the length of time necessary for treatment) on the rate currently applicable for health practitioners’ fees. (GebüH or GOÄ)

The treatment fee is usually in the range of €50 - €80 per session. This fee is to be paid either in cash or by card, irrespective of whether you are to be refunded by your health insurance company.

Frankfurt Chiropractic does not receive imbursement from your health insurance. However, several German health insurance companies will reimburse members’ fees in part.

To this purpose, a doctor’s letter of recommendation for osteopathy might be necessary.

This recommendation is not in the form of a prescription. In order to obtain a refund of your expenses from your german health insurance, you must submit the receipt and letter of recommendation to the health insurance company.

At the bottom of this page you will find a link which provides information about different reimbursement options. It is advisable to establish your position on this with your health insurance. If you have private or supplementary insurance, fees can be partially or completely reimbursed.

Please note that reimbursement depends on your individual contract.

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